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Growing number of graduates earn increasingly diverse credentials

Grand Junction  Colorado Mesa University students will graduate this month, having earned more than 563 degrees and/or certificates. Based on preliminary numbers, this milestone will include nearly 30 advanced degrees as well as baccalaureate and associate degrees, certificates, and nearly 100 students will graduate with honors. The December ceremony was established in 2011 in response to growth at CMU. 

CMU Vice President of Academic Affairs, Kurt Haas, PhD, said he is proud of graduates and also proud of the greatly expanded offerings made available to students at CMU. 

"This year CMU added multiple new credentials. Never before have students been able to access such a broad diversity of academic opportunities while enjoying the tremendous quality of life that exists here in western Colorado,” said Haas. "I couldn't be more excited about our December graduates who are beneficiaries of ongoing academic growth at CMU." 

The 2018 December Commencement is on Friday, December 14, at 9:30am in Brownson Arena in the Maverick Center. Commencement agenda includes student vocal performances, invocation, remarks from Student Trustee Amara Hobbs as well as remarks from CMU President Tim Foster. 

Hobbs will represent December graduates in her remarks and is active in many parts of student life at CMU including the Associated Student Government. 

"I’ve been fortunate enough to serve fellow students throughout my years at CMU,” said Hobbs. “Being asked to represent students during this reverent ceremony is the highest honor of my tenure at CMU. The people at this university have given me more than I could ever hope to give back and I look forward to Friday's celebration with my peers and mentors."

Prior to Hobbs’ reflections, Foster will address attendees reinforcing the belief that university commencement is an important tradition.

“Commencement is a celebration but also a serious reminder of what education can do in the lives of people,” said Foster. “I am incredibly proud of these graduates and am honored to be part of this milestone in their journey.”

Those who plan to attend commencement are encouraged to arrive early as the event is expected to be standing-room-only and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Overflow rooms will be available in the Maverick Center in designated classrooms, where the audience will be able to view the ceremony via live stream.

For those who are unable to attend the ceremony but want to share the moment, the ceremony will be broadcast live online beginning at 9:20am MST on Friday, December 14, at
